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Benefits of Stop Smoking, you must be thinking is this thing real? Is this guy insane for saying this? Let’s review. Are there any benefits of smoking? Are the people that smoke somewhat better than the rest of the world? Are they cooler? Do they have more influence over others? Is even one of these posed statements the actual case? I’m sure after reviewing these questions the answer that you will come to is no, unless you consider endangering your life cool and impressive. Smoking is nothing more than a menace that has been allowed to become a major part of our lives because we had previously given it a soft spot. With the number of addicts increasing steadily even today, the world is faced with a serious crisis and we need to rethink our reaction towards smoking.  Despite all the efforts of the governments and different organizations all around the world, the number of addicts have not decreased.


Now let’s review the stop smoking benefits. The advantages are many but a few of salient one’s are listed below:-

  • You get your life back

  • Physical activity is all of sudden much more easier

  • The chances of you suffering a heart attack become remarkably low

  • Your senses that had become dull are no longer dull anymore

  • You can finally breathe easier

  • Your Lungs after quitting smoking will feel like renewed


 If you are smoker and read all the above advantages then what more do you want? It’s time to say farewell to your smoking days and enjoy a smoking free life. However if you have decided to quit smoking then here is stop smoking benefits timeline that you will encounter. At first you will feel it easier to breathe and will feel as if your system is back to performing at its optimum level. After some time when all the nicotine in your body has been discarded you may feel certain physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, or cramps in addition to theemotional symptoms, so you need  to be mentally prepared to fight the urge to smoke if these symptoms occur.However these symptoms indicate that you are on the right track so take the time to pat yourself on the back. After a few months your lungs begin to repair and you are on the way of recovery.


If you are unsatisfied with all the above listed benefits than you need to think about your priorities in life, do you want to live a long life or die an early death?The menace of smoking needs to be stopped if you are a smoker and reading this then I urge you to value your life and think of the loved ones that you might be leaving behind. Are a few minutes of pleasure worth risking your life? Save yourself and make the pledge to quit smoking.

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